From this day forward here on the Da Real DDP blog Wednesdays will be know as Wrasslin Wednesdays… Each Wednesday I will find a wrestling video from You Tube or from my personal collection to share with you… Some of them actually blow my mind… In the beginning I will feature some of the AMAZING DDP Tributes some of my friends/fans have taken the time to put together to honor the wrestling character Diamond Dallas Page… It always AmaZes me to see how much Time/Work these kids/guys put into these videos… I have to tell you it’s humbling and I am grateful to have these kids/guys for making these DDP Tributes… I hope you enjoy the memories as much as I do… While your watching these videos keep in mind I’m between the ages of 40 – 45 years old… Crazy right! Ha! Without YRG none of it would have been possible! This video was done my friend Dylan Frymer and is entitled “Diamond Cutters on Everyone”. 147,000 views and counting! Leave a comment if you like:)